Thomas Jefferson thought that ordinary people with sufficient education and virtue can govern themselves wisely, as liberty is the natural desire of all humankind. He also asserted that eventually the world's monarchs and dictators would become obsolete concepts. Alexander Hamilton, on the other hand, claimed, that Jefferson's view was folly, based on wishful thinking. Hamilton considered that human nature itself precludes the acquiring of wisdom necessary for self-government. In short, Jefferson spokes to our hopes; Hamilton spoke to our fears.
So, does Democracy integrate with human nature? It can be considered that the modern American model of Democracy falls short of Thomas Jefferson's inspiration. American Democracy was based on Newton's published physics principles, which depicted the universe as a mechanical, rather than a moral order. However, Newton's "more profound natural philosophy to balance the mechanical description of the universe was not discovered until the 20th Century. Religious, schools, colleges and universities as well as non religious secular political institutions all teach science based upon Newton's published physics principles, ignoring the fact that his more balanced world-view was based upon Classical Greek fractal life-science logic, which has no place whatsoever within deterministic science. Modern Democracy is forbidden to use Newton's more profound unpublished scientific reasoning to compare Jefferson and Hamilton's opposing world-views.
Before the Constitutional Convention met in 1787, Hamilton observed the activities of a few state legislatures and concluded: "The inquiry of legislators constantly is what will please, not what will benefit the people." Taking this a step further, he stated, "It's the people themselves, not the legislators, who are to blame. The people," he said, "murmur at taxes, clamour at their rulers, but then elect demagogues who appeal to our worst instincts."
His view was that Democracy did not fit in with the natural state of humankind. Like Plato, Hamilton did not trust human instincts. Plato however, trusted what has come to be known as fractal logic engineering science. He referred to engineers who did not understand ethical spiritual engineering principles, as barbarians.
Over the years, even Jefferson became less optimistic about the wisdom of the people, but in the last letter of his long life, he summed up his life's vision:He believed that, for Democracy to be effective it had to be based, in maintaining civil rights."All eyes are opened, or opening, to the rights of man." He hoped America's experiment with democracy would be "the signal of arousing men to burst the chains under which monkish ignorance and superstition has persuaded them to bind themselves, and to assume the blessings and security of self-government." The inscription on his tombstone reads, Our civil rights have no dependence upon our religious opinions more than our opinions in physics or geometry. Little did Thomas Jefferson know that Plato's spiritual engineering principle would become the basis of a new fractal logic life-science.
It still possible to believe that Jefferson's prediction can come true and also that democracy can become directly associated with a state of optimum health and well being. The three 1996 Nobel Laureates in Medicine, linking Plato's spiritual engineering principles to a new chemistry representing consciousness functioning within a vast holographic reality have opened the doors to new ethical technologies beyond the machinations of the existing horrific and fixed barbarian science.
Aristotle's original design of an ethical science to guide an ennobling democracy is becoming a practical goal. The new envisaged technologies can be considered to be embracing realms of existence within a universal holographic reality, well beyond the fixed world-view. Jefferson's dream could become manifest if the blessings of the scientifically upgraded freedom and democracy were demonstrable to peoples of the world. The main obstacle being the current barbaric misunderstanding of the universal energy system in which human evolution is programmed to self destruct. This entropic chemistry logic is in direct defiance of Plato's Spiritual chemistry.
The present democratic model, based on mechanistic physics, is not incorrect so much as it is simply unbalanced. Human nature is not fully mechanistic and unnatural forced compliance with the mechanistic order creates chronic biological distress. However, we have been so effectively socially engineered that we accept this as our normal state; that we do not balk at our slavish roles in society.
History suggests that culture, not genetics, determines fitness for democracy. And history suggests we can pinpoint what kind of culture is required - a culture of the Enlightenment. The West takes it for granted that its democracy is enlightened, but this is now seen to be based upon false physics assumptions. For centuries brave people have attempted, sometimes at great personal cost. to drag the Western culture out of the Dark Ages. It took great courage for the 16th century pioneers of The Enlightenment, to push back the ignorance and superstition ruling Humankind. The lifting of the entropic yoke of unbalanced science is, at last, now occurring.
So, does Democracy fit in with human nature? History suggests this is not the case. However, Western democracies have all been based on a kind of watered-down form of aristocracy and, in its most extreme form - plutocracy. Democracy, it seems, con only fit in with human nature when our natural instincts are based on Fractal Logic, in that self organisation has to be the pivot upon which Jefferson's 'civil liberties' rotate. Only then can we find our democratic direction in these troubled and rapidly changing times.
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